FDCPA Lawsuit Statistics, July 1-15, 2009

Home >> FDCPA Lawsuit Statistics, July 1-15, 2009

FDCPA lawsuits are expensive, and growing at an unprecedented rate. Not too long ago, there was nothing you could do about that. According to an analysis of our database, about 14% of litigants file an amazing 38% of all FDCPA/FCRA lawsuits. WebRecon LLC offers an easy-to-use service that empowers you to easily prevent those predictable lawsuits from repeat litigants. Prevent just one lawsuit, and a year of service is paid for several times over. Please browse the eye-opening statistics below, and give us a call if we can be of service.

FDCPA Lawsuit Statistics, July 1-15, 2009

  • There were about 227 FDCPA cases and 70 FCRA lawsuits in the first half of July (numbers are down a bit due to the Independence Day holiday).
  • Of those cases, there were about 399 different plaintiffs (including multiple plaintiffs in one suit).
  • Of those plaintiffs, about 85 had sued under FDCPA, FCRA or TCPA before.
  • Combined, those 85 plaintiffs have filed about 542 lawsuits since 2001
    Actions were filed in 79 different US District Courts
  • About 277 different collection firms were sued.

The top states where lawsuits were filed:
64 lawsuits: California
34 lawsuits: Florida
27 lawsuits: Michigan
27 lawsuits: New York
22 lawsuits: Georgia
19 lawsuits: Ohio
18 lawsuits: Texas
16 lawsuits: Colorado

The most active consumer attorneys were:
Representing 46 consumers: Bruce K. Warren
Representing 46 consumers: Brent F. Vullings
Representing 41 consumers: Alexander Holmes Burke
Representing 33 consumers: Carlo Sabatini
Representing 31 consumers: Adam Theodore Hill
Representing 27 consumers: David M Marco

The most active consumer litigants were:
Filed 3 lawsuits: Camille Weiss
Filed 3 lawsuits: Marianne E. Lattal
Filed 3 lawsuits: Prestine Menighan

Statistics Year to Date:

4631 total lawsuits for 2009:
3901 FDCPA
635 FCRA

The most active consumer attorneys of the year:
Representing 266 plaintiffs: Ryan Lee
Representing 165 plaintiffs: Nicholas J Bontrager
Representing 159 plaintiffs: Kenneth R. Hiller

The most active consumer litigants of the year:
Filed 16 lawsuits: Robert Tucker
Filed 11 lawsuits: Christy Kemper
Filed 10 lawsuits: Gary Collins

Jack Gordon, CEO
WebRecon LLC, The FDCPA Litigant Alert
Web: www.WebRecon.com
Email: admin@webrecon.net
Phone: (616) 682-5327